
Aperitivo Scientifico: Precision studies of quantum-mechanical interferences between multi-body B-meson decay amplitudes at the LHCb experiment

by Daniel Patrick O'Hanlon (BO)

Sala Riunioni, primo piano (DIFA, via Irnerio)

Sala Riunioni, primo piano

DIFA, via Irnerio


Until very recently, all observations of CP violation in B decays were in (quasi-)two-body decays. However, it has long been conjectured that the complex interplay between the strong and weak dynamics exhibited in multi-body B decays is crucial to understanding how CP violation in the Standard Model manifests in practice. Now, with data collected by the LHCb experiment, we are finally in a position to explore these remarkable processes in unprecedented detail.

Presented here are the latest results from LHCb on B+ decays to three charged hadrons, where by constructing an explicit model for the quantum-mechanical decay amplitudes, one can for the first time gain a more complete picture of how CP violation manifests in practice. These results include some of the largest CP-violating asymmetries observed in nature, and in addition, the first observation of CP-violation in the interference between resonant states.