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Struttura della materia

Optically-driven superconductivity

by Daniele Nicoletti (Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg)

Aula Conversi (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi)

Aula Conversi

Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi


The non-equilibrium control of emergent phenomena in solids is an important research frontier. Recently optical enhancement of superconductivity, previously reported for cuprates, has been demonstrated in the alkali-doped fulleride K3C60, as well as in the quasi two-dimensional organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br. In these experiments, we resonantly excited with mid-infrared pulses local vibrational modes of the C60 and of the BEDT-TTF molecule, respectively. Starting from the equilibrium metallic state at T >> TC, we observed a photo-induced response compatible with that of a transient superconductor.

Organised by

Lara Benfatto