1. General Seminars

Research at John Adams Institute for accelerator science towards high-power tunable THz radiation source and high-current SCRF ERL

by Ivan Konoplev (JAI, Department of Physics, University of Oxford)

Aula Salvini (LNF)

Aula Salvini


Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (Roma)
The John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science is a centre of excellence in the UK for advanced and novel accelerator science, research, and technology, providing expertise and training in accelerator techniques, and promoting advanced accelerator applications in science and society. In particular I will be talking about development of the single shot, femtosecond resolution capable “time-profile” beam diagnostics and THz source of coherent radiation. I will also present the most recent achievements in development of dual-axis cavity for energy recovery high average LINACs.