May 6 – 10, 2019
Arcetri, Firenze
Europe/Rome timezone

Winding number with arbitrary integer value in Cubic String Field Theory

May 6, 2019, 11:00 AM
A (Arcetri, Firenze)


Arcetri, Firenze

Galileo Galilei Institute


Toshiko Kojita


We examined in the previous paper whether winding number could be defined
in CSFT. We have found that the quantity N=\int (UQU^-1)^3 has many desirable properties as topological quantity. However, N could not realize an arbitrary integer
value, since it is not possible to suppress the anomaly.
This time, by generalizing the KBc-type solution, we were able to obtain N with arbitorary integer value while maintaining the topological properties.
These classical solutions are different from related study arXiv:1901.01681 [hep-th]
in that it holds equivalence of K=0 and K=infinity, where K is a kind of Hamiltonian of
world sheet, and the solution is constructed by finite term.

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