New Probes of Ultra-Low-Mass Dark Matter and Dark Sectors
Yevgeny Stadnik(Helmholtz Institute, Mainz)
Aula Salvini (LNF INFN)
Aula Salvini
I present a brief overview of some novel detection strategies for ultra-low-mass bosonic dark matter that forms a coherently oscillating classical field. Possible effects of such dark matter fields include time-varying spin-precession effects and time-varying fundamental constants. These effects can be sought with various low-energy atomic and astrophysical probes, including magnetic resonance techniques, spectroscopy measurements, microwave/optical cavities (maser/laser interferometers), fifth-force experiments, and Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Further possible effects of dark bosons include the mediation of anomalous new forces that can be sought with electric dipole moment experiments, parity non-conservation experiments and (antimatter) spectroscopy measurements. Existing and new experimental and observational data have allowed us and other groups to improve on previous observational bounds on dark matter and dark boson interactions by many orders of magnitude.