GP has been a popular “model-independent” method, utilised to reconstruct the low-redshift cosmic expansion history, henceforth the dynamics of the late-time evolution. In this talk, I will present an extension of the standard Gaussian Process formalism, the Multi-Task GP with the ability to perform joint learning of several “low-redshift” cosmological data and on the robustness of several...
The grazing incidence lobster eye X-ray optics is introduced. The main advantage of this concept is large field of view. Two methods of calculation of its performances are presented. First, it is a numerical method based on simplified ray-tracing. The other method is an analytical method of direct calculation of effective collecting length. Results of tests of lobster eye prototypes are shown.
After some years of planning and two intense years of engineering, fabrication, assembly, installation, and as much commissioning as feasible, the prototype for the single-phase liquid argon detector for the DUNE experiment, ProtoDUNE SP, has been completed, and has been exposed to beam from a new SPS beam line during Fall 2018.
I will give some examples of the technical challenges addressed...
The activity is focused on the measurement of the (220) lattice plane spacing of silicon by means of combined optical and X-ray interferometry - COXI, which is one of the most advanced tools for atomic-scale displacement metrology. The aim is to determine the spacing of the (220) lattice planes in silicon to within 1 ppb relative uncertainty.
Electron-electron (e-e) collisions can impact transport in a variety of surprising and sometimes counterintuitive ways. Despite strong interest, experiments on the subject proved challenging because of the simultaneous presence of different scattering mechanisms that suppress or obscure consequences of e–e scattering. Only recently, sufficiently clean electron systems with transport dominated...
I discuss how several of the proposed models for space-time quantization predict an energy dependent speed for photons.
Although the predicted discrepancies with the general speed of light are minuscule, I discuss how it is possible to detect this intriguing signature of space-time granularity with a new concept of modular observatory for photons in the energy band from few keV to few...
The fact that the spatial nonlocality of galaxy formation is controlled by some short length scale like the Lagrangian radius is the cornerstone of the bias expansion for large-scale-structure tracers.
However, the first sources of ionizing radiation between z ≈ 15 and z ≈ 6 are expected to have significant effects on the formation of galaxies we observe at lower redshift. These...
I will review the rapid recent progress made in modelling neutron stars in binary system and the associated gravitational-wave emission. In particular, I will discuss how our understanding on the maximum mass and radii of neutron stars has improved with the detection of GW170817. In addition, I will illustrate how the properties of magnetised accretion flows onto black holes represent the...
Neutrinos are mysterious particles that barely interact with our detectors. Yet physicists have pursued the challenge of neutrino detection for the past few decades in search of physics beyond the Standard Model...and succeeded to unlock the secrets of solar neutrinos -- discovering the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations. One of the key experiments in this effort was the Sudbury Neutrino...
streaming of the ESO press conference presenting a groundbreaking result from the EHT.
Prima del collegamento il Prof.Rosati fara` una breve introduzione alle misure del BH nel centro galattico, dove la strumentazione ESO VLT ha giuocato un ruolo centrale negli ultimi ~15 anni, fino a questa dell’EHT
After its discovery in 2017, there is a large and growing interest in the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS): experiments are being conceived and funded worldwide to probe neutrinos from a variety of sources, perform precision measurements and search for new physics. At the same time, thanks to the large cross-sections the process can achieve, applications for...
The historically first detection of gravitational waves from a binary neutron star merger turned out to be a treasure trove for the dense matter physics, relativistic astrophysics, testing the theories of gravity and to emerging multi-messenger astronomy. I will summarize the multi-messenger results related to the GW170817 event, discuss implications of this observation and the future outlook.
The BESIII experiment, Beijing, P.R.C. will be described. The spectrometer is active in the e+e-storage ring BEPCII, which is a charm-t factory. The machine is in fact optimized for the study of the mass range of the charmonium-charm states, where several expected and unexpected bound states have been discovered in the last decade, the so-called XYZ states. BESIII was one of the main actors...
The recent discovery of the electromagnetic counterpart of the gravitational wave (GW) source GW170817 associated with a binary neutron star merger, has demonstrated the extraordinary informative power of multi-messenger observations. For this reason, huge efforts have been devoted in the observing campaigns aimed at searching the electromagnetic counterparts of GW sources. I will review the...
Using a Bayesian approach, we combine measurements of neutron
star macroscopic observables obtained by astrophysical and gravitational
observations, to derive joint constraints on the equation of state (EoS) of
matter at supranuclear density. In our analysis we use two sets of data:
(i) the masses and tidal deformabilities measured in the binary neutron star event GW170817, detected by LIGO...
150 years ago Dmitrii Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907), then a young chemistry professor in St. Petersburg, formulated his version of the system of elements. The choice of date is somewhat arbitrary, as there were five other attempts at periodic tables postulated earlier in the 1860s, some of which resemble our present version slightly more than Mendeleev’s in certain respects. Also, the main...
In this talk, I will present a short overview of my work on the
modeling of neutron stars' equation of state. In particular, I will
introduce the many-body forces model (MBF), and its applications on the description of twin stars and magnetic neutron stars. On the second part of the talk, I will discuss about artificial intelligence techniques and how they can be used to constrain the...
The growth of 3D printing technologies in the last years has been very rapid. 3D printing is an innovative technique for fabricating a wide range of different objects starting from 3D models. Novel materials and new printing techniques are being developed, so new applications are emerging. The medical physics team of the University of Naples Federico II have recently started a project for...
It is presented a model of dark matter at galactic scales based on neutral, massive fermions, at finite temperatures and in thermodynamic equilibrium within a general relativistic framework. The salient features of the density distribution are presented and are discussed in the context of galactic observables: total dark matter content and density profile, rotation curves in the case of the...
Our aim is to understand some conventional and non-conventional mesons by using an effective QFT models. Starting from a single $q\bar{q}$ seed state in the Lagrangian some states appear as a dynamically generated companion poles. We show that $K_0^* (700)$ is a companion pole of the heavier $K_0^* (1430)$ resonance, $X(3872)$ emerges as a virtual companion pole of $\chi_{c1} (2P)$, and the...
Relic magnetic fields generated in the primordial Universe may
represent the seeds for the generation of the magnetic fields observed today on cosmological scales in galaxies, clusters,
filaments and voids.
Such Primordial Magnetic Fields (PMFs) can be generated through different mechanisms in the early Universe and their presence and characteristics would represent a peculiar probe of the...
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a worldwide diffused pathology for both men and women. However, if promptly diagnosed, it is also one of the most curable tumor types, with a curability rate of about 90% at stage I. For this specific reason, an efficient preventive screening is fundamental to avoid its degeneration. The test currently adopted by Italian National Health Service (NHS), and in other...
Borexino is a 280ton liquid scintillator detector placed at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. Since the start of its data taking in May 2007, it has provided several measurements of solar neutrinos, important for the understanding of our star, as well as of the neutrino properties. In particular, Borexino has performed the first spectroscopic measurements of the pp, 7Be, and...
This seminar will present the experience of the WeSTLab (Wearable Sensors and Telemedicine Lab, Fondazione Don Gnocchi, Milan) in developing wearables for cardiovascular monitoring. Over the years different types of wearable have been designed by the Lab, from sensorized garments to a body sensor network allowing the simultaneous measure of up to 32 signals from different body sites. These...
Gravitational wave observations of merging binaries have opened a new window onto the nature of the most dense objects of our Universe.
In this talk we will discuss how tidal interactions affects the evolution of coalescing systems, leaving the imprint of the body’s internal composition on the emitted gravitational wave signal.
We will show how observations by current and future...