4:00 PM
Readout chain validation of INFN modules for the CTA-pSCT camera
Serena Loporchio
4:01 PM
Test of a New Octal Amplifier Shaper Discriminator Chip for the ATLAS MDT Chambers at HL-LHC
Hubert Kroha
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
4:02 PM
Outcome of the KLOE-2 experiment after the conclusion of the data-taking period
Florin Catalin Sirghi
4:03 PM
First-Level Muon Track Trigger for Future Hadron Collider Experiments
Sebastian Nowak
(Max-Planck-Institut for Physics)
4:04 PM
FATALIC: a fully integrated electronics for the ATLAS tile calorimeter at the HL-LHC
Romain Madar
(Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS/IN2P3, LPC)
4:05 PM
Upgrade of the ATLAS detectors and trigger at the High Luminosity LHC: tracking and timing for pile-up suppression
Marianna Testa
4:06 PM
WaveDAQ: an highly integrated trigger and data acquisition system
Luca Galli
4:07 PM
Computing Infrastructure at the CERN Neutrino Platform prototypes experiments
Nektarios Benekos
(National Technical University of Athens)
4:08 PM
Kalman meets Molière : Optimal measurement of charged particle momentum from multiple scattering by Bayesian analysis of filtering innovations
Denis Bernard
(LLR Ecole Polytechnique)
4:09 PM
Optical Fiber Center Module for the KOTO Experiment
Mircea Bogdan
(The University of Chicago)
4:10 PM
From the Phase-0 DAQ upgrade of entire ATLAS Pixel Detector towards the Phase-2 electronics upgrdae
Alessandro Gabrielli
4:11 PM
Web-based Experiment Monitoring with HTML5
Stefan Ritt
(PSI, Switzerland)
4:12 PM
The algorithm of the CMS Level-1 Overlap Muon Track Finder trigger
Karol Bunkowski
(Warsaw University)
4:13 PM
Front-End Electronics of the Electromagnetic Barrel-Calorimeter for the PANDA Target Spectrometer*
Christopher Hahn
(II. Physikalisches Institut — Physik - Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
4:14 PM
Design and test of the calibration system of the MEGII Pixelated timing Counter
Paolo Walter Cattaneo
4:15 PM
Design of the ATLAS phase-II hardware based tracking processor
Riccardo Poggi
(University of Geneva)
4:16 PM
Level-1 track finding with an all-FPGA system at CMS for the HL-LHC
Luis Ardila Perez
(Karlsruhe Institute of Techonology)
4:17 PM
Mu2e calorimeter readout electronic
Davide Caiulo
4:18 PM
Software framework architecture for the high data rate soft X-rays PERCIVAL imager
4:19 PM
Radiation study of FPGAs with neutron beam for the COMET Phase-I
Yu Nakazawa
(Osaka Univ.)
4:20 PM
Testing and integration of front end electronics for INO-ICAL RPCs
Ankit Gaur
4:21 PM
First test results of the CHIPIX65 asynchronous front-end connected to a 3D sensor
Luigi Gaioni
4:22 PM
High performance DAQ for muon spectroscopy experiments
Mattia Soldani
4:23 PM
A low cost, high speed, mltichannel Analog to Digital converter board
Paolo Musico
4:24 PM
Front-end electronic system for large area photomultipliers readout
Paolo Musico
4:25 PM
Low Latency serial communication for MEG II Trigger system
Marco Francesconi
4:26 PM
The MYTHEN-III strip detector prototypes
Marie Andrä
4:27 PM
Data acquisition system for the EDET DH80k instrument
Mikhail Polovykh
4:28 PM
Scintillation light DAQ and trigger system for the ICARUS T600 experiment at Fermilab
Marta Babicz
(CERN/INP Cracow)
4:29 PM
Design of a high radiation-hard driver for Mach-Zehnder Modulators based high-speed links for hadron collider applications
Fabrizio Palla
4:30 PM
Performance results of the trigger logic implemented in EUSO-SPB
Mario Edoardo Bertaina
4:31 PM
Selecting and Designing the Front-end Amplifier for High-gain Photomultiplier Detectors with Optimal Timing Performance
Francesco Corsi
(Politecnico di Bari)
4:32 PM
Towards new Front-End Electronics for the HADES Drift Chamber System
Michael Wiebusch
(Goethe-University Frankfurt)
4:33 PM
Reconstruction at 30 MHz for the LHCb upgrade.
Tomasz Szumlak
(AGH - University of Science and Technology)
4:34 PM
Monte Carlo Response Function Simulations for the HEXITEC CdTe X-ray Detector
Kjell Koch-Mehrin
(University of Leicester)
4:35 PM
Design and Preliminary Characterization Results of BASIC64, a New Mixed-Signal ASIC for SiPM Detectors
Pietro Antonio Paolo Calò
(Politecnico di Bari)
4:36 PM
Development of a highly selective muon trigger exploiting the high spatial resolution of monitored drift-tube chambers for the ATLAS experiment at the HL-LHC
Oliver Kortner
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)
4:37 PM
The CMS Level-1 tau lepton and vector boson fusion triggers for the LHC Run II
Cristina Martin Perez
(LLR, Ecole Polytechnique, IN2P3-CNRS)
4:38 PM
The Phase-I Trigger Readout Electronics Upgrade of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters
Yi-Lin Yang
(The University of Tokyo)
4:39 PM
Upgraded back-end electronics for the CMS Fast Beam Conditions Monitor
Nicolò Tosi
4:40 PM
C++ implementation of Bethe-Heitler, 5D, Polarized, $\gamma \to e^+ e^-$ Pair Conversion Event Generator
Igor Semeniouk
(LLR, CNRS/IN2P3 - Ecole Polytechnique)
4:41 PM
An innovative radiation hardened Content-Addressable Memory
Seyedruhollah Shojaii
4:42 PM
Towards the large area HVCMOS demonstrator for ATLAS ITk
Mridula Prathapan
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
4:43 PM
The performance of the CMS ECAL data acquisition system at LHC Run 2
Tanvi Wamorkar
(Northeastern University)
4:44 PM
The Monitoring Electronics of the Laser Calibration System in the Muon g-2 experiment
Michele Iacovacci
4:45 PM
Design and performance evaluation of front-end electronics for COMET straw tracker
Kazuki Ueno
4:46 PM
Operation of Microchannel Plate PMTs with TOFPET multichannel timing electronics
Jon Lapington
(University of Leicester)
4:47 PM
Muon g-2 Calibration system data flow
Stefano Mastroianni
4:48 PM
A new readout electronics for the LHCb Muon Detector Upgrade
Davide Brundu
4:49 PM
Performance of a high-throughput tracking processor implemented on Stratix-V FPGA
Federico Lazzari
4:50 PM
Development of a high voltage power supply for detectors using photo-diode
(Seacom Engineering College)
4:51 PM
Characterization and first field results of a new 64ch custom front-end ASIC for GEM readout
Maxim Alexeev
4:52 PM
Self-Contained Configuration Scrubbing in Xilinx FPGAs for On-detector Applications
Raffaele Giordano
4:53 PM
Silicon Drift Detectors arrays and readout ASICs for the SIDDHARTA experiment
Aidin Amirkhani
4:54 PM
Trigger Performance Verification and Simulation of the FlashCam Prototype Camera
Simon Sailer
(Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics)
4:55 PM
The new trigger/GPS module for the EEE Project
Maria Paola Panetta