- D. Burgess
- S. Servidio (University of Calabria! Italy)
- J. Egedal (Physics Department!UW-Madison1150 University Avenue!53706! Wisconsin! USA)
BSAP: C. Fendt
- C. Fendt (EPS2019)
- K. Ferriere (IRAP/OMP)
- D. Burgess
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Collisionless shocks are ubiquitous in the Universe and play an important role in the slow down of plasma flows, magnetic field generation/amplification, and particle acceleration. Depending on the plasma conditions, different plasma processes are believed to mediate shock formation and particle injection, however,...
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The interactions of fast-streaming, magnetized plasmas can result in a wide range of fundamental plasma physics processes such as the formation of MHD shocks, magnetic turbulence, reconnection and wave-particle interactions. We present experiments from a versatile platform, where supersonic plasma flows generated by the...
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Efficient particle acceleration is produced in association with solar flares. These particles play a major role in the active Sun because they contain a large amount of the magnetic energy released during flares. Energetic electrons and ions interact with the solar atmosphere and produce high-energy X-rays and -rays....
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The complex interaction of the magnetic field with matter is the key to some of the most puzzling observed phenomena at multiple scales across the universe, from tokamak plasma confinement experiments in the laboratory to the filamentary structure of the interstellar medium. King among these is the phenomenon of...
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The solar wind is a supersonic turbulent flow that spreads out radially form the Sun. Several spacecrafts explored different regions of the Heliosphere and provide us in-situ data of plasma and electromagnetic fluctuations from daily to sub-second scales. The solar wind can be though as a wind tunnel in which...
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A charged particle moving through a medium emits Cherenkov radiation when its velocity exceeds the phase velocity of light in that medium. Since light in vacuum is usually assumed to move at the universal speed c, causality appears to preclude vacuum Cherenkov radiation (VCR). Under the influence of a strong...
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Plasma turbulence has been investigated using unprecedented high-resolution ion velocity distribution measurements by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS) in the Earth's magnetosheath. This novel observation of a highly structured particle distribution suggests a cascadelike process in velocity space [1], as...
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Magnetic dipole fields have exellent confinement properties for charged particle ensembles with an arbitrary degree of neutrality. One idea to create a magnetized low-energy electron-positron pair plasma pursued by the APEX/PAX collaboration relies on the initial formation of a non-neutral plasma in the confining...
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Nonlinear synchronisation is a key process in wave-particle interaction [1], responsible for Landau damping as well as for the amplification in devices like traveling wave tubes and gyrotrons [2]. We investigate it using the finite-N approach from a self-consistent hamiltonian formalism [3]. This description is combined...
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In laser plasmas, as well as in solar and stellar winds, ions and electrons can have comparable energies and strongly anisotropic velocity distributions. Under those conditions both fractions of a collisionless plasma can make a significant contribution to the development of the Weibeltype instability and the subsequent...
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Large amplitude, turbulent Alfvénic fluctuations have been commonly observed in the solar wind since the first in-situ measurements. An important but still unexplained property of such nonlinear fluctuations seen typically in the fastest streams is that, despite the large excursion of the magnetic field fluctuations,...
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Rapidly rotating neutrons stars and black holes are the central engines of some of the most extreme astrophysical phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts, pulsars, X-ray binaries, binary mergers or active galactic nuclei. The activity of these compact objects is often associated with the creation and the launching of a...
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Understanding the transport of charged particles in the Galaxy is fundamental to solve the mystery of the origin of Galactic cosmic rays (CR) and to asses their role in several Galactic processes. Recent results from direct experiments, especially AMS-02 and PAMELA, are revealing a fine structure in the CR spectrum...
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The recently developed theory of the Spectral Web [1, 2] is a method to compute the full complex spectrum of stationary plasmas together with a connecting structure. This permits to consider the enormous diversity of MHD waves and instabilities of rotating tokamaks and astrophysical plasmas from a single unifying view...
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Cosmic rays are charged particles, moving at relativistic speeds after being accelerated through interaction with astrophysical shocks. This process, known as diffusive shock accleration, or Fermi acceleration, involves the particle repeatedly crossing the shock, picking up speed each time it is reflecte by the local...
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The properties of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence have significant implications for astrophysical phenomena like cosmic ray scattering. We study properties of MHD modes by decomposing data of MHD simulations into linear MHD eigenmodes - namely the Alfvén, slow, and fast modes. Some earlier studies have shown the...
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Observations recorded from NASA's Van Allen Probes have revealed the prevalence of a broad spectrum of Alfvénic field fluctuations in the inner magnetosphere. The properties of these waves in the inhomogeneous plasma of his region of near-Earth space give rise to a number of resonant and non-resonant interactions...
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In 2023 the first element of a new international space station is to be launched. The Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway (LOP-G), or Deep Space Gateway (DSG) will orbit the Moon rather than the Earth [1]. The purpose of the Gateway is to acclimatise crew and technology for long durations and radiation exposure of deep-space...
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Astrophysical plasmas are ubiquitous and differ from laboratory plasmas in key aspects. They are typically cold (k_B T<<m_e c^2), collisionless, and usually contain relativistic sub-populations. To study the evolution of such plasmas, it is necessary to employ a fully kinetic treatment.
Particle-in-cell (PIC) algorithms...