Industrial development and characterization methods: Part 1
- Carla Aramo (NA)
Industrial development and characterization methods: Part 2
- Massimo Caccia (MI)
Industrial development and characterization methods: Part 3
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The Silicon PhotoMultiplier (SiPM) has been showing a growing interest in many field, from the fundamental research to the industry, where where very few photons must be detected and quantified with high precision. They are a good alternative to the Photo Multiplier Tubes (PMT) due to their compactness, low operational voltage and insensitivity to magnetic fields [1].
Silicon PhotoMultipliers (SiPM) are rapidly approaching a significant maturity stage, making them a well recognised platform for the development of evolutionary and novel solutions in a wide range of applications for research and industry. However, they are still affected by stochastic terms, notably a high Dark Count Rate (DCR), limiting their use when single photo-electron pulses convey the...
Since 2005, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK, Trento) has continuously developed and improved its SiPM technology for a wide variety of applications, ranging from medical imaging to big science experiments and industrial applications. Current-generation Near Ultra Violet, High Density (NUV-HD) SiPM technology features a peak photon-detection efficiency (PDE) higher than 60% at 410 nm, low primary...
Silicon Photo-Multipliers (SiPMs) have emerged as a compelling photo-sensor solution over the course of the last decade. In contrast to the widely used Photo-Multipliers Tubes (PMTs), SiPMs have high single Photon Detection Efficiency (PDE) with negligible gain fluctuations, are low-voltage powered, optimal for operation at cryogenic temperatures, and have low radioactivity levels. For these...
The LabOSat collaboration (acronym for "Laboratory On a Satellite") aims to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of electronic devices and components for space-borne applications. We have developed a single-board electronic platform which is able to operate in space conditions. This board harbors Devices Under Test and performs electric experiments on them. Since 2014, we have...
The DarkSide collaboration is developing a new experiment capable of searching for dark matter with unprecedented sensitivity. The detector introduces many innovative technologies, among others the use of underground liquid argon, depleted in 39Ar to reduce the internal background, and the production of about 20 mq light sensitive low background surfaces, instrumented with SiPMs operating at...
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) has continuously developed and improved silicon photomultiplier technologies: in particular, one with peak efficiency in the blue region of the spectrum (near-ultra-violet, NUV), another one in the green (red-green-blue, RGB).
Over the last years there has been a growing interest in silicon photomultipliers applications at cryogenic temperatures (e.g.: for the...
The DarkSide program aims to a WIMP direct detection using a dual phase argon time projection chamber. The next generation experiment, DS-20k, will be a detector in excess of 20 tonnes of fiducial mass. A pivotal aspect to the sensitivity of the experiment is its light detection technology. The DarkSide collaboration decided to adopt Silicon Photomultipliers for its Photo Detector Module...
Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) have been able to replace Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTs) and Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) in many applications as they have significant advantages in some key aspects, especially the very high quantum efficiency compared to the established PMTs and the much higher gain (and lower excess noise factor) compared to APDs. However, SiPMs application in large area and...
Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPAD) are playing a significant role in the development of new generation photon-detectors for High-Energy and Astroparticle experiments. The excellent spatial and timing resolution achievable make it very attractive in astronomic imaging applications for the observation of fast transient phenomena.
For several employments large photosensor arrays are required....
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), owing to their low-level photon counting capabilities, have increased in popularity in the field of high energy astrophysics, particle physics and medical imaging. It is crucial to accurately characterise SiPMs so they can be optimised for a particular application such as the Compact High Energy Camera (CHEC-S) designed to image air Cherenkov showers....
We performed extensive studies of SiPM readout of fast high efficiency scintillator crystals: LaBr3:Ce; Ce:GGAG; LYSO, YSO, etc. Scintillation parameters (energy and time resolutions) of such crystals were measured with SiPMs of different types and sizes (from 1x1 mm^2 to 6x6 mm^2) produced by different manufactures (Hamamatsu, KETEK, SensL etc). Energy and time resolutions of crystals were...