2–4 Oct 2019
Università di Bari
Europe/Rome timezone

Radiation Hardness Tests of Si-PMs with a Proton Beam for Future Satellite Missions.

3 Oct 2019, 18:20
Centro Polifunzionale Studenti (Università di Bari)

Centro Polifunzionale Studenti

Università di Bari

Piazza Umberto I 70121 Bari (Italy)


Nagomi Uchida (Dept. of Physical Science, Hiroshima Univ.,)


A scintillation detector for a gamma-ray satellite mission should have low power-consumption and be compact.
For observing the gamma-ray sky, low energy threshold and high energy resolution are required furthermore.
Silicon Photomultipliers (Si-PMs) are considered as a solid-state sensor alternative to photomultiplier tubes in a future satellite using scintillation materials as a radiation detection medium. Many of the Si-PMs fill these requirements. However, the performance-deterioration caused by the radiation damage is expected in the satellite orbit, since Si-PMs are directly exposed to the bombardment of galactic cosmic rays that mainly consist of the nuclear particles with the energy of several 100 MeV/ nucleon. In this experiment, we irradiated a dose of a few krad of 200 MeV protons to two of the latest Si-PMs developed by Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.: S14160-6050HS and S13360-6050CS. We compared the proton-irradiated and the non-irradiated Si-PMs in terms of the dark-current and the energy spectra by measuring the $^{241}$Am radiation sources with a CsI scintillator.
The results showed that the dark-current and the energy threshold got worse by proton irradiation even the proton dose is only 300 rad.
We report that the radiation hardness of these two Si-PMs in terms of the dark-current and energy spectrum.

Primary authors

Nagomi Uchida (Dept. of Physical Science, Hiroshima Univ.,) Dr Hiromitsu Takahashi (Dept. of Physical Science, Hiroshima Univ.,) Naoyoshi Hirade (Dept. of Physical Science, Hiroshima Univ.,) Mr Kengo Hirose (Dept. of Physical Science, Hiroshima Univ.,) Kento Torigoe (Dept. of Physical Science, Hiroshima Univ.,) Dr Masanori Ohno (Eötvös University) Dr Kazuki Yamaoka (ISEE, Nagoya Univ.) Dr Kazuhiro Nakazawa (Dept. of Physics, Nagoya Univ.) Mr Shohei Hisadomi (Dept. of Physics, Nagoya Univ.) Dr Satoshi Hatori (The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center) Dr Kyo Kume (The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center) Dr Satoshi Mizushima (The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center) Tsunefumi Mizuno (Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center) Prof. Yasushi Fukazawa (Dept. of Physical Science, Hiroshima Univ.)

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