2–4 Oct 2019
Università di Bari
Europe/Rome timezone

Development and deployment of SiPM in space: from Lazio-Sirad to Mini-EUSO and SPB2

3 Oct 2019, 18:00
Centro Polifunzionale Studenti (Università di Bari)

Centro Polifunzionale Studenti

Università di Bari

Piazza Umberto I 70121 Bari (Italy)


Dr Marco Marco Casolino (INFN)


In this work we will describe the development of SiPM for space-borne
detectors for astroparticle physics research. The first known use of
SiPM in space was in 2005, installed in the Lazio-Sirad experiment in the
framework of Roberto Vittori's mission on board of the International
Space Station. The SiPM developed at Mephi by Dolgoshein have been used
as readout of a small calorimeter to measure radiation environment in space
and assess the effectiveness of shielding for astronauts. A more recent
usage of an array of SiPM (64 pixels array) is for an imaging detector
to study UV terrestrial emissions in the framework of the MINI-EUSO
mission, to be launched in Summer 2019.
In this contribution we will also discuss the synergy with the development of novel
readout and triggering techniques in the framework of FLUCHE, an
ASI-sponsored project to develop next-generation SiPM based detectors
for future applications such as the forthcoming SuperPressureBalloon 2
(SPB2) flight from New Zealand (to launched in spring 2022).

Primary authors

Dr Marco Marco Casolino (INFN) Dr Cafagna Francesco (INFN) Dr Osteria Giuseppe Dr Ricci Marco (INFN) Dr Catalano Osvaldo (INAF IASF Palermo) Prof. Caruso Rossella (University of Catana) Prof. Bertaina Mario (University of Torino)

Presentation materials