
V. Zema - Overview on non-relativistic effective field theories for the direct dark matter search

by Vanessa Zema (GSSI)

Pontecorvo room (LNGS)

Pontecorvo room



The need of a reliable comparison among the several experimental searches of dark matter in lab has motivated the elaboration of a particular theoretical method, that involves both particle and nuclear-physics aspects. This method, known as "non relativistic effective field theories" (NREFT), is a theoretical tool to model the interactions of the dark matter (WIMP) particles with nuclei. I will provide an overview of this method and describe its applications for the observables of major interest. I will also discuss certain recent developments, that are aimed at extend the scientific potential of the original approach.
Vanessa Zema
PhD student in Astroparticle Physics
Gran Sasso Science Institute
