Session 4
- Giuseppe Gonnella (BA)
The understanding of the fundamental relation between electrophysiological activity and brain organization with respect to performing even simple tasks is a long-standing fascinating question. The ability of the brain to self-organize information processing in an efficient way is a crucial ingredient in biologically plausible models. Recent experiments have shown that the spontaneous brain...
The Skyrme model is a low energy effective field theory of strong interactions where nuclei and baryons appear as topological solitons, more concretely as collective excitations of pionic degrees of freedom. Proposed by Tony Skyrme in the sixties, his ideas received further support when it was discovered that in the limit of the large number of colours of QCD, an effective theory of mesons...
The so called ab-initio methods in nuclear physics permits to solve the full $A$-body Hamiltonian considering realistic potentials. Among the various ab-initio approaches, the Hypespherical Harmonic(HH) method has been successfully applied in studying bound states and low-energy scattering process of $A=3$ and $A=4$ system [1]. The extension of the HH method to $A\geq5$ results to be...
We present some results on the dynamics of a driven tracer particle beyond the linear regime, in two different model fluids. We first focus on a lattice gas model -- where the tracer interacts via hard-core repulsion with a crowding particle bath -- which allows for analytical computations. In this model, two surprising phenomena can occur: negative differential mobility, namely a nonmonotonic...
From large-scale Molecular Dynamics simulations, we performed a complete analysis of local hexatic parameter, local density ad out-of-equilibrium equation of state of self-propelled hard disks in two spatial dimensions. We established the complete phase diagram of the model. The equilibrium melting follows a mixed scenario with first-order liquid-hexatic transition and BKT hexatic-solid one....