11–13 Dec 2019
Salone degli Affreschi, Palazzo Ateneo Università "Aldo Moro" Bari
Europe/Rome timezone
SM&FT 2019 Challenges in Computational Theoretical Physics

Conformal field theory and the hot phase of the three-dimensional U(1) gauge theory

13 Dec 2019, 10:30
Salone degli Affreschi, Palazzo Ateneo Università "Aldo Moro" Bari

Salone degli Affreschi, Palazzo Ateneo Università "Aldo Moro" Bari

Piazza Umberto I, 1 Bari


Alessandro Nada (DESY Zeuthen)


In this talk I will present recent results showing how the high-temperature phase of the compact U(1) gauge theory without matter fields in 2+1 spacetime dimensions can be studied in terms of conformal-field-theory predictions for the low-temperature phase of the XY model in 2 dimensions. The conformally-invariant analytical description of the XY model is compared with numerical results obtained in lattice simulations of the U(1) gauge theory above the critical temperature, in particular for the two-point correlation function of static charges and for the profile of the flux tube: excellent quantitative agreement is found with predictions for the functional forms and for the critical indices.

Primary authors

Alessandro Nada (DESY Zeuthen) Davide Vadacchino (INFN Sezione di Pisa) Marco Panero (TO) Michele Caselle (TO)

Presentation materials