Atmospheric and Astrophysical Neutrinos with IceCube
Thomas K. Gaisser(Univ. Delaware)
Aula Conversi (Dipartimento di Fisica - Ed. G.Marconi)
Aula Conversi
Dipartimento di Fisica - Ed. G.Marconi
There are two main categories of searches for neutrinos of astrophysical origin, point sources and all-sky. Neutrino sources may be identified by a significant excess of events from the same direction and/or by coincidence in time and direction with an event identified electromagnetically or by gravitational waves. All-sky searches are made by looking for an excess of high-energy neutrino-induced muons from below the horizon and also by selecting events that start inside the detector. In all approaches the main backgrounds are atmospheric leptons from cosmic-ray interactions in the atmosphere, but the backgrounds play a different role in each case. In this talk, I will review recent results from IceCube while considering the effects of the atmospheric backgrounds in the different analyses.