
Different aspects of high energy resummations in QCD, SUSY and gravity

A cura di Dr. Agustin Sabio Vera

Aula Teorici (DIFA)

Aula Teorici


Via Irnerio, 46
We will discuss the study of logarithmic contributions to all orders in high energy processes for different theories. There will be three parts. The first one will deal with the application of the BFKL formalism to the study of some final state configurations at the Large Hadron Collider. We will comment on the role played by collinear contributions and infrared effects in exclusive observables (and structure functions at HERA). Some recent progress in the understanding of the Odderon physics will be shown. In the second part we will explain how Regge cut contributions turned out to play an important role in the understanding of scattering amplitudes in the N=4 supersymmetric field theory. Its connection with open spin chains and the concept of complexity will be drawn. In the final part of the talk, we will shift our interest towards gravity and supergravity, showing that the same techniques to calculate double logarithms in Quantum Electrodynamics are relevant when studying the structure of scattering amplitudes in (super) gravity.