Materials investigation techniques - 1
- Giannantonio Cibin (Diamond Light Source Ltd.)
- Antonella Balerna (LNF)
Gaetano Campi
(Istituto di Cristallogefia - CNR)
18/10/2018, 14:30
Outstanding structure-function relationship of new complex materials are often due their dynamic heterogeneous structure and composition. Examples of complex materials include biomaterials, colloids, complex liquids and strongly correlated materials. These materials are characterized by weak interactions between structural units at nanoscale and mesoscale giving rise to different...
S. J. Rezvani
18/10/2018, 15:00
While the chemical and structural analysis of a surface has become commonplace using a variety of techniques including Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, it is often advantageous to differentiate between the chemistry and structure of the surface and the near surface (e.g., interface). The method used to make this distinction depends on the thickness of the...
Salvatore Macis
(Università Roma Tre)
18/10/2018, 15:30
The next generation of accelerators has to use cavities with higher RF fields in order to significantly reduce the length and the cost of particle accelerators and to make available these devices to a larger number of users. [1] In order to accomplish this goal is extremely important to minimize overheating effects due to the RF field and reduces the breakdown phenomena. The latter are highly...