X-rays in nuclear physics
- Michael Lerch (Univeristy of Wollongong)
Catalina Oana Curceanu
19/10/2018, 09:30
I shall present a series of experiments performed during the last two decades at the DAFNE collider in Frascati devoted to the measurement of kaonic atoms using advanced X-ray detectors. The detectors which were used for these studies range from Charged Coupled Devices to two versions of spectroscopic Silicon Detectors. Combining the excellent quality kaon beam delivered by the DANE collider...
Johann Marton
(Stefan Meyer Institute)
19/10/2018, 10:00
The application of Gamma and X-ray detectors in exotic atom research has already a quite long history.
On the one hand spectroscopy was used to study high Z kaonic atoms, low Z atoms recently by SIDDHARTA and last but not least to extract the up-to-now much precise masses of the charged kaon and the sigma, on the other hand the dynamics of processes in higher quantum states of exotic atoms...