Alessandro Puri
(CNR IOM OGG c/o ESRF, 71 Av des Martyrs Grenoble (France))
LISA (Linea Italiana per la Spettroscopia di Assorbimento di raggi X) is the new italian CRG beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) dedicated to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS).
The optical layout consists in one collimating mirror, a double crystal monochromator (DCM) and a double toroid focusing mirror. Si and Pt coatings ensure an efficient rejection of harmonics. The DCM is equipped with two different pairs of thick crystals Si(311) and Si(111) to cover a wide energy range of 4-70 keV, which offers the possibility to probe the K and L edges of the most of Metals and Rare Earth elements. The design is compatible with the new EBS ring that will be operative after year 2020.
The beamline provides a high photon flux (1011 ph/s) with a focused beam size < 200 µm and together with the fluorescence detectors available (a 12-channels HP-Ge and a 4-channels SDD) allows the analysis of small-sized or highly diluted samples.
A liquid He/N2 cold finger cryostat and a compact furnace are available for measurements in a wide temperature range (10 - 1000 K), allowing in-situ chemical treatments and measurements under controlled atmosphere.
In this contribution we present the present status and the future perspectives of the beamline.
Primary author
Alessandro Puri
(CNR IOM OGG c/o ESRF, 71 Av des Martyrs Grenoble (France))
Francesco d'Acapito
(CNR IOM OGG c/o ESRF, 71 Av des Martyrs Grenoble (France))
Giovanni Orazio Lepore
(CNR IOM OGG c/o ESRF, 71 Av des Martyrs Grenoble (France))