With the delivery and commissioning in 2007 of the ALICE tracking system which included two layers of silicon drift detectors for a total surface of more than one square meter we achieved two main results. The first is to demonstrate that such a refined device, requiring extreme care, can be mass-produced with high yield in a constructive and rewarding collaboration with industry. But also a proof that with an iterative work between user's detector modeling and a dedicated evolution of the photolithography technology high quality performances could be obtained. The consequences brought to the idea to step into applications requiring large area and low leakage currents hence, high performances low energy X-ray detection systems. Through a dedicated evolutionary development of the ALICE detectors new detection systems for X-ray astrophysics and advanced light sources have been proposed. At the same time the development of very low noise VLSI front-end has allowed valuable steps in the crucial field of tailor-made detection systems.