Fisica statistica

Elasticity, plasticity, yielding and shear-jamming of hard spheres glasses

by Pierfrancesco Urbani (Institut de physique theorique, Université Paris Saclay, CNRS, CEA, France)

Aula 6 (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio E. Fermi)

Aula 6

Dip. di Fisica - Edificio E. Fermi

In this  tal k I will review a  series of works on the rheology of hard sph e res  glasses. First I will discuss the phase diagram that can be obtained from the solution of this model in infinite dimension and then I will compare it with numerical simulations.Hard spheres glasses can be elastic or plastic and they can yield or jam if deformed strongly enough. I will show how to characterize these phases andthe relative phase transitions.