Sep 17 – 21, 2018
Department of Physics and Geology
Europe/Rome timezone
School on Open Science Cloud

Hands-on: Deploy ML Frameworks 101

Sep 18, 2018, 2:00 PM
1h 20m
Physics Building (Department of Physics and Geology)

Physics Building

Department of Physics and Geology

via Pascoli, snc 06123 - Perugia (IT)


Dr Valentin Kuznestov


In this Hands-On session we will start from bare node with deploy all necessary tools to perform Machine Learning and Data Science studies. The session will require basic knowledge of Linux operating system and UNIX shell. We'll download, deploy and install Anaconda environment where we'll install various set of Python and R based packages. We'll work with a simple Iris dataset to explore our data.

Primary author

Presentation materials