17–21 Sept 2018
Department of Physics and Geology
Europe/Rome timezone
School on Open Science Cloud

Data Science: state of the art

18 Sept 2018, 11:30
Physics Building (Department of Physics and Geology)

Physics Building

Department of Physics and Geology

via Pascoli, snc 06123 - Perugia (IT)


Dr Valentin Kuznetsov (Cornell University (US))


The Data Science is an rapidly growing field of Information Technology. In this talk we'll cover its origin, the connection to other IT fields and cover details of Data Science fields from data acquisition, processing to building Machine Learning models. We'll cover the tools, technologies and techniques a Data Scientist use in their daily activities. We'll also discuss algorithms and fine-tuning tricks which will allow you to train and deliver world class Machine Learning models.

Primary author

Dr Valentin Kuznetsov (Cornell University (US))

Presentation materials