17–21 Sept 2018
Department of Physics and Geology
Europe/Rome timezone
School on Open Science Cloud

Hands on: Automated deployment of BigData Cluster in the Cloud

20 Sept 2018, 14:00
1h 20m
Physics Building (Department of Physics and Geology)

Physics Building

Department of Physics and Geology

via Pascoli, snc 06123 - Perugia (IT)


Daniele Spiga (PG) Diego Ciangottini (PG) Mirco Tracolli (PG)


This session will include the usage of Dynamic On-Demand Analysis Service (DODAS) and as such will includes: Containers Orchestration (Mesos) Software Applications & Dependency description (TOSCA); Cloud PaaS Orchestration (INDIGO-PaaS)

Primary authors

Presentation materials