17–21 Sept 2018
Department of Physics and Geology
Europe/Rome timezone
School on Open Science Cloud

Research & Business - OPENLab - IT Technology Transfer at CERN

21 Sept 2018, 09:00
Physics Building (Department of Physics and Geology)

Physics Building

Department of Physics and Geology

via Pascoli, snc 06123 - Perugia (IT)


Dr Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)


CERN openlab as a model for R&D and Technology Transfer at CERN Abstract: CERN openlab was created in 2001 as a way of establishing a new collaboration channel between CERN and ICT industry. Over the past 17 years, it has become a reference for joint R&D and technology transfer at CERN in support of the future computing and data requirements of the increasingly challenging LHC research programme. This talk will show how CERN openlab works and what are the elements that have allowed successful public-private partnership to be established in as diverse domains as data acquisition, storage, computing platforms and software, cloud computing, networks or machine learning. The current technological challenges and the directions of investigations will be briefly explained as well as the importance of communication and education to support ambitious R&D programmes.

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