Jul 22 – 26, 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

Charge exchange measurements with neutral hydrogen using the X-ray Quantum Calorimeter (XQC)

Jul 23, 2019, 5:45 PM
1h 15m
Piazza Città di Lombardia (Milano)

Piazza Città di Lombardia


Piazza Città di Lombardia, 1, 20124 Milano MI
Poster Low Temperature Detector Applications Poster session


Conjeepuram Ambarish (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


X-ray emission from charge exchange between highly-charged ions and neutral atoms forms a significant portion of the emissions from galactic outflows and stellar winds and is an important source of soft X-ray emission in our Solar system. Theoretical modeling of the velocity-dependent partial cross sections for X-ray line emission in charge exchange has so far proven difficult. High-resolution laboratory measurements of X-ray line emissions from charge exchange over a wide range of collision velocities are needed to test and benchmark the various theoretical models currently available.
Our XQC sounding rocket detector system has been modified for efficient use as a detector on the merged beam facility at Oak Ridge National Labs (ORNL). We are using this to take high-resolution spectra of charge exchange between astrophysically relevant ions and neutral H atoms. Any ion of interest can be generated and merged with a neutral H beam with relative velocities adjustable over the entire range of astrophysical interest. We present our initial results and details of the experimental design.

Student (Ph.D., M.Sc. or B.Sc.) Y
Less than 5 years of experience since completion of Ph.D Y

Primary authors

Conjeepuram Ambarish (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Mr Nicholas Christensen (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Felix Jaeckel (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Dan McCammon (university of wisconsin) Avirup Roy (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Dr Dallas Wulf (University of Wisconsin-Madison) David Seely (Dep. of Physics, Albion College) Vola Andrianarijaona (Pacific Union College, Angwin) Charles Havener (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Presentation materials