RF design of high gradient accelerating structures for high brightness electron linacs
Marco Diomede(ROMA1)
Bldg. 2, Meeting Room 125 (Accelerator Division)
Bldg. 2, Meeting Room 125
Accelerator Division
In the framework of the upgrade of the SPARC_LAB facility at INFN-LNF,
named EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB, a high gradient linac is foreseen. One of
the most suitable options is to realize it in X-band. The
EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB linac layout is based on an S-band Gun, three
S-band TW structures and an X-band booster with a bunch compressor. In
this presentation it is illustrated the preliminary RF design of the
X-band booster. It is based on 0.5 m long traveling wave accelerating
structures operating in the 2π/3 mode and fed by klystrons and pulse
compressor systems.The design has been driven by the need of a high
accelerating gradient required to achieve a high facility compactness,
which is one of the main goals of the EuPRAXIA project. The single
cell parameters have been calculated by electromagnetic simulations
and, on the basis of these results, the accelerating structure length
and geometry have been optimized by numerical studies. Finally, the
basic RF power distribution layout has been designed.