direct search for DM and underground experiments
- Mario De Vincenzi (ROMA3)
Giovanni De Lellis
9/5/18, 5:20 PM
Direct Dark Matter searches are nowadays one of the most fervid research topics with many experimental efforts devoted to the search for nuclear recoils induced by the scattering of Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs). Detectors able to reconstruct the direction of the nucleus recoiling against the scattering WIMP are opening a new frontier to possibly extend Dark Matter searches...
Carlo Gustavino
9/5/18, 5:40 PM
The evolution of all the celestial bodies is regulated by gravitation and thermonuclear reaction rates, while the Big Bang nucleosynthesis is the result of nuclear processes in a rapidly expanding Universe. The LUNA Collaboration has shown that, by exploiting the ultra low background achievable deep underground, it is possible to study the relevant nuclear processes down to the nucleosynthesis...
Simone Sanfilippo
9/5/18, 6:00 PM
Directional sensitivity to nuclear recoils would provide a smoking gun for a possible discovery of dark matter in the form of WIMPs. A hint of directional dependence of the response of a dual-phase liquid argon Time Projection Chamber (TPC) was found in the SCENE experiment. Given the potential importance of such a capability in the framework of dark matter searches, a new dedicated...