Free Electron Lasers and Compton Sources based on Inverse Compton Scattering (I.C.S.) are
nowadays the most advanced generators of high brilliance photon beams in the keV and MeV,
respectively, photon energy ranges. Although developed during the last 2 decades mainly for
enabling applied research in several domains, spanning from biological, medical, cultural heritage,
to matter science and nuclear photonics, these X/ g photon machines may become the basic and
crucial components of more complex systems for new discoveries in fundamental areas of high
energy particle physics. We will illustrate various scenarios of combining secondary and tertiary
beams of photons, hadrons and muons, based on highly asymmetric boosted colliders, aiming at
enabling experiments on never observed phenomena like eleastic photon scattering (light interacting
with itself, "a’ la lightsaber, the Jedi’s sword") and matter creation from light.