20–26 May 2018
Vulcano Island, Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The AHEAD program for Integrating Activities in High Energy Astrophysics

Not scheduled
Therasia Resort, Conference Room (Vulcano Island, Sicily, Italy)

Therasia Resort, Conference Room

Vulcano Island, Sicily, Italy


Dr Lorenzo Natalucci (INAF/IAPS)


Since 2015, AHEAD (Integrated Activities in the High Energy Astrophysics Domain) is providing a framework to bring together Europe's science community working in this highly competitive field. AHEAD is an ongoing project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme for Research Infrastructures, with the main goal of integrating efforts by the European science community and keeping them at the cutting edge of science and technology.
The landmark for AHEAD is the future Large X-ray Observatory, Athena. Besides its substantial technology development program, AHEAD is offering funding opportunities for transnational visits, workshops and dissemination activities and a strong public outreach program. Much effort is also devoted to the exploitation of current space missions with the organization of meetings, schools and training activities and enhancing gamma-ray science.

Primary author

Dr Lorenzo Natalucci (INAF/IAPS)

Presentation materials

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