Christian Fischer
(JLU Giessen)
16/03/2018, 10:30
We summarize recent results on the spectrum (and form factors) of conventional
and exotic meson states in the DSE/BSE framework. We contrast states with
conventional and exotic quantum numbers and outline the ability of the framework
to accommodate for glueball, hybrid and four-quark states.
Helios Sanchis Alepuz
(University of Graz)
16/03/2018, 11:30
The calculation of hadronic observables using a combination of Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations has developed dramatically in recent years. The method aims at the calculation of hadronic properties
from the underlying QCD degrees of freedom, without abandoning the realm of continuum quantum field theories.
We report on the most recent calculations of the spectrum and...
Joannis Papavassiliou
(University of Valencia-IFIC)
16/03/2018, 12:00
The dressed gluon-quark vertex is a fundamental ingredient of the kernels appearing in the one- and two-body problems.
We present a novel representation of this vertex in terms
of the gluon-quark scattering matrix, and develop a method capable of
elucidating a quark-antiquark Bethe-Salpeter kernel that is symmetry-consistent with a given quark gap equation.
A main advantage of this...
Daniele Binosi
(ECT*-Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
16/03/2018, 12:30
The dynamics leading to the formation of coloured composite massless excitations in Yang-Mills theory is interlocked with the one leading to the generation of a gluon mass scale in the infrared. I will discuss how the Bethe-Salpeter equation leading to the former structures is coupled to the Schwinger-Dyson equation leading to the latter phenomenon, paying particular attention to the...