Anna Hasenfratz
(University of Colorado)
3/14/18, 10:30 AM
Beyond Standard Model theories describing the electro-weak sector
with a 125 GeV Higgs boson but with so far no other observed resonances must be consistent with large scale separation or “walking". Large separation of scales arises naturally and in a tunable manner in mass-split models that are built on a conformal fixed point in
the ultraviolet. When the fermion masses are split, with...
Oliver Witzel
(University of Colorado Boulder)
3/14/18, 11:30 AM
Using the specific example of four light and eight heavy flavors we
explore mass-split models using fully dynamical numerical simulations.
We present results for the meson spectrum showing states made up of
only light or only heavy flavors in order to verify theoretical
expectations. With results obtained at two values of the bare gauge
coupling, five different values for the mass of...
Massimo D'Elia
3/14/18, 12:00 PM
We discuss recent lattice results concerning the influence of
external backgrounds, such as magnetic fields and chemical potentials,
on the confining and screening properties of the QCD thermal medium.
Joao Penedones
3/14/18, 12:30 PM
Inspired by the recent success of the numerical approach to the conformal bootstrap, we revisit the S-matrix bootstrap program. We shall explain how to obtain analytic bounds on the interaction strength in 1+1 QFT. In higher dimensions, we propose a numerical algorithm that seems to converge to optimal bounds.
Luca Zambelli
(TPI, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
3/14/18, 2:30 PM
The functional renormalization group is a nonperturbative semi-analytic tool for continuum computations in quantum field theory and high energy theory, and I will present some illustrative examples of its modern applications. It has been quite successful in describing chiral symmetry breaking and quantum criticality in three dimensional fermionic systems, as I will briefly review with some...
Giuliano Panico
(IFAE (BArcelona))
3/14/18, 3:00 PM
One main obstacle for any BSM scenario solving the hierarchy problem is its potentially large contributions to electric dipole moments. An elegant way to avoid this problem is to have the light SM fermions couple to the BSM sector only through bilinears. This possibility can be neatly implemented in composite Higgs models by dynamically generating the fermion Yukawa couplings at different...