12–16 Mar 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

Simple states of QCD's nearest relatives

Not scheduled




Prof. Thomas DeGrand (University of Colorado)


I'll describe lattice spectroscopy of SU(N) gauge theories with N in the range 2-7, with a small number of fermion degrees of freedom. These are systems which are most similar to QCD: they are confining and chirally broken. The simple states are s-wave mesons and baryons. Specific systems I have studied are SU(N) gauge theories, quenched or with Nf=2 fundamental quarks and SU(4) with two index antisymmetric (AS2) representation fermions and with fermions in both fundamental and AS2. The most naive application of the nonrelativistic quark model combined with 't Hooft large N counting seems to explain all the lattice data. Baryons show clear evidence for a rotor spectrum. Mixed states (baryons made of two representations of quarks) show regularities related to the different color charges of the two representations.

Primary author

Prof. Thomas DeGrand (University of Colorado)

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