
GENIE: global tuning for future Long baseline neutrino experiments

by Dr Marco Roda (Liverpool University)

Sala Riunioni - 2 Piano (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia)

Sala Riunioni - 2 Piano

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia

Viale C. Berti Pichat 6/2
GENIE is the world's most widely-used neutrino Monte Carlo generator. Its physics models are employed by nearly all current and future experiments. Tuning these models is fundamental for the next generation of neutrino experiments looking for CP violation in the lepton sector, as systematic uncertainties need to be kept at the few percent level. A key ingredient of the current effort to overhaul the GENIE phenomenological descriptions of neutrino scattering is to develop the capability to perform a global physics tuning using both the increasing body of neutrino scattering data and the vast complementary array of electron-nucleus and hadron-nucleus scattering data. In this seminar the development of GENIE models for the simulation of CC0\pi events (a crucial event topology both for oscillation measurements and for probing nuclear dynamics) will be outlined and results of the first GENIE global fits of CC0\pi data presented.