Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (SALONE BOLOGNINI)
- Maria J G. Borge (ISOLDE-CERN)
- Suzana Szilner (Ruder Boskovic Institute)
Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (SALONE BOLOGNINI)
- Suzana Szilner (Ruder Boskovic Institute)
- Maria J G. Borge (ISOLDE-CERN)
Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (SALONE BOLOGNINI)
- Maria J G. Borge (ISOLDE-CERN)
- Suzana Szilner (Ruder Boskovic Institute)
Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (SALONE BOLOGNINI)
- Maria J G. Borge (ISOLDE-CERN)
- Suzana Szilner (Ruder Boskovic Institute)
Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (SALONE BOLOGNINI)
- Suzana Szilner (Ruder Boskovic Institute)
- Maria J G. Borge (ISOLDE-CERN)
Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (SALONE BOLOGNINI)
- Suzana Szilner (Ruder Boskovic Institute)
- Maria J G. Borge (ISOLDE-CERN)
Peter Schuck
(Institut de Physique Nucleaire Orsay)
03/09/2018, 15:15
Alpha clustering in nuclear systems has known an extraordinary growth in activity over the last 15 years or so. I have strongly participated in the theoretical developments of alpha clustering and with my collaborators I have for example proposed that the Hoyle state in 12C can be considered as an alpha particle condensate. This theory explains all known data of the Hoyle state, for instance...
Alberto Ventura
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Bologna, Italy), Dr
Paolo Finelli
(Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell' Universitร di Bologna and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Bologna, italy)
03/09/2018, 16:15
We compute nuclear state densities in the frame of the grand-canonical formalism in an energy (or, equivalently, temperature) range where residual two-body interactions and collective effects can reasonably be neglected. The single-particle states used in the calculations are generated in a self-consistent relativistic mean field at finite temperature [1] based on the NL3* [2] and DD-ME1 [3]...
Zsolt Podolyak
(University of Surrey)
04/09/2018, 14:00
Information gained on neutron-rich N~126 nuclei is essential for the understanding of nuclear structure in heavy nuclei. Studies around doubly magic systems allow direct tests of the purity of shell model wave functions. From a longer-term perspective, experiments in this region pave the way toward the proposed nuclear-astrophysical r-process waiting point nuclei along the N = 126 shell...
Esra Yรผksel
(Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia, Department of Physics, Yildiz Technical University, 34220 Esenler, Istanbul, Turkey)
04/09/2018, 14:45
The nuclear weak interaction processes (beta decay, electron capture, neutrino-nucleus scattering etc.,) is known to play an important role in the supernovae evolution and formation of the chemical elements. The calculation of these processes necessitates accurate knowledge on the spin-isospin excitations as well as the ground state properties of nuclei [1,2]. In this framework, the...
Vรญctor Vaquero Soto
04/09/2018, 15:05
The nuclei around the doubly magic nucleus 132Sn (N=82 and Z=50) are of great interest both for nuclear structure investigations and nuclear astrophysics. Studying these systems, information about the evolution of nucleon-nucleon correlations, quadrupole collectivity and single-particle energies can be obtained. New experimental information allows to test different nuclear models and examine...
Anthony Cowley
(Stellenbosch University)
04/09/2018, 15:45
Studies of the surface of heavy nuclei provides information on the equation of state (EoS) at densities lower than the nuclear saturation density [1, 2]. At these low densities cluster correlations are predicted, with alpha clusters being of special interest. The isotopes of Sn are convenient examples for an experimental test of predictions from a generalized relativistic density functional...
Luna Pellegri
(University of the Witwatersrand and iThemba LABS)
04/09/2018, 17:00
iThemba LABS, South Africa, is a suitable laboratory for the experimental study of giant and
pygmy resonances. The K600 magnetic spectrometer is one of the few spectrometers in the
region of 30-200 MeV with high-energy resolution and the ability to perform measurements at
zero degrees. This capability enabled the study of the fines structure in giant resonances and the
role of deformation...
Kai Neergรฅrd
04/09/2018, 17:40
The RPA-amended Nilsson-Strutinskij theory, which successfully describes the pattern of binding energies of nuclei with approximately equal neutron number N and proton number Z and the energy differences between the lowest state with isospins T = 0 and 1, respectively, in the doubly odd N = Z nuclei [1,2], is applied to the Sn isotopic chain. In this theory, a pair-vibrational correlation...
Daniele Brugnara
(Universitร di Padova, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro)
04/09/2018, 18:00
The competitive double gamma decay is a process which can be explained by the second order QED theory together with the knowledge of the nuclear structure of the decaying nucleus, making its study interesting under many aspects. Aside from the theoretical interest on this rare process, it also holds an experimental appeal as its low branching ratio puts to test all current measuring...
Nunzia Simona Martorana
(INFN-LNS and Universitร degli Studi di Catania)
05/09/2018, 13:00
The low-energy E1 strength, known as Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR) is an excitation mode connected to the neutron excess in nuclei. This mode is carrying few per cent of the isovector Energy Weighted Sum Rule (EWSR) and it is predicted to be present in all stable nuclei with neutron excess
and in particular for unstable nuclei [1,2]. The study of this mode and the knowledge about the structure...
Gabriele Carozzi
05/09/2018, 13:30
In the last years, in the field of nuclear physics, there has been a large interest in the study of exotic nuclei far from stability. This new quest prompted the development of new research facilities that employ radioactive ion beams (RIBs). One example of these new endeavors is the SPES facility at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro in Legnaro (Italy). In order to make the best use of these new...
Katarzyna Sลabkowska
(Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruล)
05/09/2018, 13:45
The main objective of this study is to determine the optimal conditions for a detailed knowledge of the nuclear excitation by electron capture (NEEC) process for selected nuclear isomers (i.e. metastable exited states of atomic nuclei) of a few elements. The part of these research focuses on the especially interesting and important case of NEEC process for the 93mMo isomer (T1/2 ~ 6.8 h), for...
Kairat Kuterbekov
(L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University)
05/09/2018, 14:00
The present work aims to a report on the experimental and theoretical achievements obtained over the last decade in the study of (11Li+Be-isotopes) -reactions. We also carried out a comparative analysis of theoretical approaches in the study of scattering reaction and direct reaction (stripping, pick-up) of these systems, since they play a role in astrophysical processes. We have considered...
Pastore Alessandro
(University of York)
06/09/2018, 14:00
Any given finite-range two-body interaction can be developed by means of a simple Taylor series in momentum space.
This is the basic idea presented by Skyrme in its original paper. Truncating the Taylor series at second order in gradients, we obtain the standard Skyrme interaction (N1LO). In this talk I will discuss the truncation at 4th and 6th order in gradients and the new family of...
Ian Murray
(Institut de Physique Nucleaire, IN2P3-CNRS, Universite Paris-Sud)
06/09/2018, 14:25
The shell model lays an impressive foundation for broad understanding of nuclear systems. For the most exotic nuclei, universal mechanisms drive shell evolution from established structures, such as the disappearance of canonical magic numbers. The spin-isospin parts of the nucleon-nucleon interaction, and specifically, the monopole part of the tensor force between different orbits is a strong...
Franck Delaunay
(LPC Caen, France)
06/09/2018, 14:45
Beta-decay spectroscopy is one of the most useful tools for the study of nuclear structure. In exotic nuclei beta-decay is often followed by the emission of delayed particles, a process which becomes the dominant decay channel when approaching the driplines. In the most exotic species, the emission of two or more delayed particles can also occur with a significant probability.
Whereas the...
Natalia Timofeyuk
(University of Surrey)
06/09/2018, 15:45
In the last two decades rapid advances have been made in the implementation of the three-nucleon force (3NF) in nuclear structure calculations and its importance for various nuclear properties has been demonstrated. However, another large branch of nuclear physics โ direct nuclear transfer reactions - is still based exclusively on Hamiltonians with two-body interactions only. These reactions...
Viacheslav Samarin
(Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
06/09/2018, 16:05
The dynamical approach based on numeric solution of the time-dependent Schrรถdinger equation [1 ๏ญ 3] was applied to the description of adiabatic and diabatic rearrangement of nucleons in reactions of light nuclei 3,6He, 9,11Li with heavy nuclei. For example, adiabatic and diabatic evolution of the probability density for the protons of the 3He nucleus in the collision with the 45Sc nucleus is...
Joaquin Gomez Camacho
06/09/2018, 17:00
The study of the structure of normal, well bound nuclei, can be carried out by populating discrete excited states in a reaction, and studying their gamma decay. Here, the nuclear reaction is just a mechanism to populate excited states, whose properties such as energy and decay probabilities are independent of the reaction that produced it. Exotic nuclei, weakly bound, have few (if any)...
Valentin Nesterenko
(BLTP, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia)
06/09/2018, 17:45
Last years the toroidal dipole resonance (TDR) attracts a high attention [1-4]. This mode is located at the energy of the pygmy dipole resonance and forms the low-energy part of the isoscalar giant dipole resonance. The TDR has many remarkable properties. This is the only known dipole vortical mode in the family of intrinsic electric excitations. The TDR is perhaps the origin of the pygmy...