Fundamental Symmetries: AULA 2 (Frist Floor)
- Michael Doser (CERN)
Fundamental Symmetries: AULA 7
- Michael Doser (CERN)
Jouni Suhonen
04/09/2018, 17:00
The atomic nuclei serve as fento-scale laboratories for a plethora of processes relevant for fundamental physics of neutrinos and dark matter. In my talk I touch some recent hot topics in this wide and interesting field of applications of nuclear-structure methods.
Alexander Albert Skawran
(Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
04/09/2018, 17:30
Muonic atoms as laboratories for fundamental physics provide crucial input to QED, the weak and strong interaction.
Muonic atom spectroscopy, i.e. the detection of the muonic X-rays emitted subsequently to the atomic capture of a negative muon, has been a very extensively used technique to determine the extent of the nuclear charge radii [1]. This method complements the knowledge from...
Ádám Nagy
(Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA Atomki), Debrecen Hungary)
04/09/2018, 18:10
Serious efforts have been made to find particles related to dark matter. According to theoretical predictions, a (10 MeV-1 GeV) light particle is expected (hereinafter called X-boson), which mediates the interaction between dark particles.
Krasznahorkay et. al. have succesfully investigated the X→e−e+ mode [1]. They excited the EX = 17.6 MeV and EX = 18.15 MeV states of 8Be and measured...
Masaki Hori
(Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics)
06/09/2018, 14:00
The ASACUSA collaboration at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator has precisely measured the atomic transition frequencies of antiprotonic helium by laser spectroscopy. These three-body exotic atoms are each composed of a normal helium nucleus, and electron, and an antiproton. They constitute baryon-antibaryon bound states with the longest known lifetime. The experiments involved cooling 2 billion...
Simone Ceruti
(Università degli Studi di Milano INFN Milano)
06/09/2018, 14:20
In Nature, symmetries help us to describe a complex physical system in a simple way and to better understand its behaviour. The search for symmetries is a fundamental goal in all fields in physics. At the same time, the possible breaking of a symmetry can open the gates for new and unexpected scenarios. In a nuclear system the isospin symmetry plays a key role in nuclear structure and nuclear...
Valery Nesvizhevsky
(Institut Laue-Langevin)
06/09/2018, 15:00
Extra fundamental short-range interactions mediated by new bosons are predicted in many extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. They are also predicted in theories with large extra spatial dimensions and theories involving the light dark matter hypothesis. To search for such interactions at different characteristic distances, the experimentalists use
many methods including...