Astroparticle Physics: AULA 7
- Davide Franco (APC)
- Alexander Murphy (University of Edinburgh)
Main auditorium
Federico Versari
(University of Bologna, INFN section of Bologna)
03/09/2018, 14:55
ANTARES is the largest and longest operated neutrino telescope in the Northern hemisphere. It is located 40 km off-shore Toulon, France, at a depth of 2475 m on the Mediterranean seabed and has been continuously taking data since 2006. Its primary goal is the search for astrophysical neutrinos in the TeV-PeV energy range. Its location and excellent angular resolution makes ANTARES sensitive to...
Alfredo Giuseppe Cocco
03/09/2018, 15:11
The PTOLEMY project aims to develop a scalable design for a Cosmic Neutrino Telescope to detect the Big Bang relic neutrino. This will be the first of its kind and the only telescope conceived that can look directly at the image encoded in neutrino density fluctuations of the Universe in the first second after the Big Bang. The PTOLEMY prototype at Princeton has become the basis of a new...
Alexander Murphy
(University of Edinburgh)
03/09/2018, 15:42
The frontier of experimental particle physics research, and especially astroparticle physics research, frequently involves the detection of signals that are both rare, fewer than an event per year per kilogram of target, and small, with energy depositions at the keV scale. A prime example is the direct search for dark matter, although other signatures for new physics are also being sought,...
Simone Sanfilippo
03/09/2018, 15:57
DarkSide uses a dual-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber to search for WIMP dark matter. The current detector, DarkSide-50, is running since mid 2015 with a target of 50 kg of argon from an underground source. The talk will present the latest results of searches of WIMP-nucleus interactions, with WIMP masses in the GeV-TeV range, and of WIMP-electron interactions, in the sub-GeV...