Livio Lamia
The role of the unstable 7Be during the early epoch of the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis is
currently matter of study in view of the long-standing 7Li cosmological problem [1]. Recently,
the Trojan Horse Method (THM) [2] have been applied for measuring the cross
section of the (n,alpha) reaction channel on 7Be by means of charge-symmetry hypothesis
applied to the previous 7Li(p,alpha)4He THM data corrected for Coulomb effects. The
deduced 7Be(n,alpha)4He data overlap with the Big Bang nucleosynthesis energies and the
deduced reaction rate allows us to evaluate the corresponding cosmological implications
[3]. Beside this, a devoted experiment has been also performed in order to study the 7Be(n,alpha)4He via the THM application to the 7Be-deuteron quasi-free interaction with the aim of studying the 7Be-n cross section in a large energy range overlapping with the one of interest for BBN. The detailed analysis will be shown together with the preliminary results about the 7Be(n,alpha)4He cross section measurement.
[1] C. Bertulani & T. Kajino, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 89, 56 (2016)
[2] R.E. Tribble et al., Report on Progress Physics 77, 106901 (2014)
[3] L. Lamia et al., The Astrophysical Journal 850, 175 (2017)
Selected session
Nuclear Astrophysics
Primary author
Livio Lamia