Andreea Oprea
("Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Bucharest, Romania)
Preliminary alpha capture cross sections on Sr at energies close to the Gamow window will be presented. The cross sections were measured by means of the activation method using an alpha beam delivered by the Bucharest IFIN-HH 9MV tandem accelerator. The induced activities were measured with two large volume HPGe detectors in close geometry placed in a low background passive shielding. The experimental results are compared with theoretical predictions obtained in the framework of the statistical model, using the latest version of Talys1.8 and the alpha OMP potential by V. Avrigeanu et al [1].
Keywords: s, r and p nuclei, α particle induced reactions, p- nuclei nucleosynthesis, experimental cross sections
[1] V. Avrigeanu and M. Avrigeanu, Phys. Rev C 91, 064611 (2015).
Selected session
Nuclear Astrophysics
Primary author
Andreea Oprea
("Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Bucharest, Romania)