Ferruccio Feruglio
(Padova University)
23/05/2018, 09:10
B decays mediated by both charged currents and neutral currents have provided hints of violation of lepton flavour universality. I shortly review the present experimental results and the global fits when new physics is invoked. I illustrate a plausible SM extension providing an explanation of the anomalies in terms of new physics at or above the TeV scale and described by an effective field...
Massimiliano Lattanzi
(Università di Ferrara)
23/05/2018, 10:00
Cosmological observations represent a powerful tool to constrain particle physics, often complementary to laboratory experiments. In my talk I will focus on two distinct examples of such an interplay between cosmology and particle physics, namely neutrino physics and inflation. After briefly reviewing the relevant cosmological datasets, in the first part of the talk I will show how...
Marco Cirelli
(LPTHE Jussieu)
24/05/2018, 09:10
I will briefly overview the current Dark Matter theory panorama, and the phenomenology of the searches. I will put some emphasis on some emerging directions that depart from the beaten path.
Stefano Giusto
(University of Padova)
24/05/2018, 10:00
Some signatures of information loss are imprinted in the correlators containing the heavy operators dual to the black hole microstates. By using the classical geometries dual to particular microstates, we will compute some of these correlators and show how information is preserved already in the large N limit.
Guido Martinelli
(University of Rome La Sapienza)
25/05/2018, 09:10
Several aspects of flavour physics, including the recent experimental ``anomalies” in leptonic decays, are critically reviewed and future developments discussed.
Francisco Morales
(INFN, Section of Rome "Tor Vergata")
25/05/2018, 10:00
I review localization techniques and their applications to the study of supersymmetric gauge theories.
Fulvio Ricci
(University of Rome Sapienza & INFN Sezione di Roma)
26/05/2018, 09:10
The observations of gravitational waves from the merger of binary black holes and from a binary neutron star coalescence followed by a set of astronomical measurements is the first striking example of investigating the universe by multi-messenger astronomy. In this talk we review these results and then we will focus on the middle and long term evolution of the gravitational wave detectors with...
Michelangelo Mangano
26/05/2018, 10:00