
Modified F(R) gravity: towards a unified model of the Universe evolution

by Prof. Diego Saez Gomez ((Univ. of Barcellona))

Aula Amaldi (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi)

Aula Amaldi

Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi

In the present talk the F(R) theory is introduced, which constitutes an alternative way to explain the current cosmic acceleration. Since 1998, when the majority of the scientific community accepted the cosmic acceleration through out the analysis of supernova data, a lot of models of dark energy have been suggested. The modification of the General Relativity avoids the need to introduce any exotic form of energy that produces a repulsive gravity interaction, and it gives a natural explanation to the cosmic acceleration and possibly a unification with the inflationary epoch. I will briefly intr! oduce the development of such theory, and then, some cosmological solutions will be presented. The aims and problems of this modification of the General Relativity will be discussed.