21–23 May 2018
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

PET stability measurements during simultaneous multi-nuclear (23Na) MRI/PET acquisition

23 May 2018, 17:00
Room Elena (Hotel Hermitage)

Room Elena

Hotel Hermitage


Gaspar Delso (GE Healthcare)


PET/MR presents a unique opportunity to acquire simultaneous, complementary, functional imaging data in human and animal studies. Specifically, 23Na and 13C, termed 'x-nuclei', present novel imaging contrasts which inform upon cellular function. Due to the differing magnetic properties of x-nuclei, increased demands are placed upon gradient and RF hardware for acquisition. However, little data has been shown assessing the performance of PET detectors during x-nuclei MR imaging acquisitions. This study demonstrates negligible effect of a 3D 23Na-MRI sequence on the PET detection performance and count rate. We believe these results will help inform future studies integrating 23Na-MRI in simultaneous PET/MR acquisitions.

Primary author

Dr Frank Riemer (University of Cambridge)


Dr Ferdia A. Gallagher (University of Cambridge) Prof. Fiona Gilbert (University of Cambridge) Gaspar Delso (GE Healthcare) Mr James T. Grist (University of Cambridge) Dr Martin J. Graves (University of Cambridge)

Presentation materials