21–23 May 2018
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

Longitudinal [18F]FDG PET-MRI at 9.4 Tesla in Twitcher mice using spatial normalization

22 May 2018, 16:15
1h 30m
Parking area (Hotel Hermitage)

Parking area

Hotel Hermitage

Board: 13
Poster 1 - Instrumentation: detectors and electronics Session 8 - Poster Session I


Poonam Choudhary (Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center, University at Buffalo)


This study presents preliminary results on the feasibility of truly simultaneous PET-MRI in live mice on a conventional 9.4T MRI system retrofitted with a miniature-PET ring. Wild-type and Twitcher mice, a model of Krabbe disease, were anaesthetized and imaged longitudinally at four time points. Simultaneously acquired MRI images allowed the generation of a model-specific brain template for voxel and atlas based analyses of the PET scans. Preliminary findings were in line with previous results from metabolomics suggestive of alterations in brain glucose metabolism in Twitcher mice. A brain region-specific analyses based on segmented MRI scans will allow the quantification and statistical analysis of the glucose uptake.

Primary authors

Prof. Ferdinand Schweser (Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center, University at Buffalo) Poonam Choudhary (Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center, University at Buffalo)


Mr Akshay Dhamankar (Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center, University at Buffalo) Ms Cheryl Knapp (Center for Biomedical Imaging, University at Buffalo) Mr Daesung Shin (Hunter James Kelly Research Institute, University at Buffalo) Prof. Lawrence Wrabetz (Hunter James Kelly Research Institute, University at Buffalo) Ms Marilena Preda (Center for Biomedical Imaging, University at Buffalo) Mr Nadav Weinstock (Hunter James Kelly Research Institute, University at Buffalo) Prof. Robert Zivadinov (Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center, University at Buffalo)

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