21–23 May 2018
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

BURZTE: Silent Quantitative MRI using ZTE combined with BURST

22 May 2018, 08:30
Room Elena (Hotel Hermitage)

Room Elena

Hotel Hermitage


Rolf Schulte (GE Healthcare)


ZTE image encoding was combined with Burst imaging by reversing segments of 3D radial spokes in both time and amplitude. This recalls gradient echoes for each spokes/excitation, yielding images with T2* weighting. By adding a pair of refocusing pulses with the appropriate weight period, it is also possible to obtain spin-echoes, leading to T2-weighted images. Data is reconstructed using standard 3D gridding and Fourier transformation, and fitting quantitative T2*, T2 and magnetic susceptibility (QSM) maps. In vivo feasibility was demonstrated by imaging the brain of multiple healthy volunteers.

Primary author

Rolf Schulte (GE Healthcare)


Dr Ana Beatriz Solana (GE Healthcare) Dr Anne Menini (GE Healthcare) Dr Florian Wiesinger (GE Global Research) Guido Buonincontri (PI) Dr mauro costagli (Imago7)

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