Building and commissioning a radioactive ion beam facility – experiences at the HRIBF
DrDaniel Stracener(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Rostagni meeting room (INFN-LNL)
Rostagni meeting room
The HRIBF at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) operated a radioactive ion beam facility for almost 20 years, utilizing the ISOL technique for production. The production beam energy (50 MeV protons) was similar to what will be used at SPES, but the total beam power was only 1 kW, which is significantly less than the 8 kW that will be available at SPES. Several different target materials were used at HRIBF, but the most-used target material was uranium carbide for the production of neutron-rich nuclei from fission. After a few years of operating the facility with a single RIB production platform (IRIS1), a second production platform (IRIS2) was designed and built to expand on the capabilities of the original platform. Many aspects of RIB operations at HRIBF will be similar to operations at SPES. In this presentation, I will discuss the design, commissioning, and operation of the facility to deliver radioactive ion beams for nuclear physics experiments.