3–8 Jun 2019
Europe/Rome timezone
WIN2019. The 27th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos.

The minimal inverse Type III See-saw Models

4 Jun 2019, 18:05
Giulia Centre (Bari)

Giulia Centre


Poster Neutrino Physics Poster session


Manuele Filaci (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


The Type III See-saw Models are extensions of the Standard Model with some fermion triplets, with the purpose of generating neutrino masses. The minimal inverse cases, which can explain the smallness of neutrino masses even having relatively light triplets and large coupling constants, consist in the addiction of 2 or 3 fermion triplets. In this talk I will review the main aspects of these models and show the updated bounds both on the general case and on the minimal inverse cases.

Primary authors

Manuele Filaci (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Carla Biggio (GE) Jacobo Lopez-Pavon Josu Hernandez-Garcia Fernandez-Martinez Enrique

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