Future neutrino experiments require measurements of absolute neutrino cross section at the GeV scale with a precision of 1% which nowadays is limited by the uncertainties on neutrino fluxes. The aim of the ENUBET project is to measure the neutrino flux by monitoring positrons from $K^{+}$ $\rightarrow$ $\nu_{e}$ $e^{+}$ $\pi^{0}$ decays on an event by event basis. For this purpose a calorimeter system to instrument the decay tunnel of a narrow band neutrino beam has been proposed. The technology is based on modules of Fe/Scintillators shashlik calorimeters longitudinally segmented and readout by Silicon PhotoMultipliers to separate $e^{+}$/$\pi^{\pm}$/$\mu$ with 17%/$\sqrt{E}$ energy resolution. The system includes also a photon veto made of plastic scintillator tiles to tag positrons coming from kaon decays discarding events with $e^{+}e^{-}$ pairs produced in photon conversion from $\pi^{0}$. Performances of calorimeter and photon veto prototypes will be reported together with simulation studies of the beam line.
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