Seminars at LNS

Opening New Frontiers in Nuclear Science and applications

by Azaiez Faical (iTHEMBA LABs)

Sala Azzzurra (lns)

Sala Azzzurra


The strong interaction described by quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is responsible for binding neutrons and protons into nuclei and for the many facets of nuclear structure and nuclear reaction physics. Combined with the electroweak interaction, it determines the properties of all nuclei in a similar way as quantum electrodynamics shapes the periodic table of elements. While the latter is well understood, it is still unclear how the nuclear chart emerges from the underlying strong interactions. This requires the development of a unified description of all nuclei based on systematic theories of strong interactions at low energies, advanced few- and many-body methods, as well as a consistent description of nuclear reactions. Nuclear structure and dynamics have not only reached the discovery frontier (e.g. focused on new isotopes, new elements, …), but are also entering into a high precision frontier with higher beam intensities and purity, along with better efficiency and sensitivity of instruments, in order to focus on essential observables to validate and guide our theoretical developments The iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences (iThemba LABS) is a National Research Facility. It is also the premier atomic particle accelerator laboratory on the African continent and the only facility of its kind in the southern hemisphere. The facility contributes to the National System of Innovation (NSI) through the provision of unique research infrastructure platforms supported by highly skilled scientists, and operations staff. The research agenda of the facility is based largely on the Separated Sector Cyclotron (SSC), a particle accelerator which produces particle beams for research. iThemba LABS plays a pivotal role in the NSI through its collaboration network with South African Universities and Institutions. The facility also enjoys a prominent global position and plays a critical role in co-ordinating the African contribution in collaborative initiatives with prestigious institutions like the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the joint Institute for Nuclear research (JINR) in Russia. The research and production of accelerator-based radioisotopes is a demonstration of basic and applied research being translated into innovative real world solutions. The talk will highlight some of the recent results from modern nuclear and hadron physics and will describe how the Long Range Plan of iThemba LABS will create the South African Isotope Facility (SAIF) which will put South Africa in a prominent position in the future to address the new challenges both in research and training within the subatomic field and beyond.