Structure Formation and Force Networks in Shear Jammed Sphere Packings
Prof.Srikanth Sastry(Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,INDIA)
Aula 3 (Dipartimento di Fisica - Ed. G.Marconi)
Aula 3
Dipartimento di Fisica - Ed. G.Marconi
The jamming transition has been widely investigated with hard and soft sphere
packings as model systems, both in the presence of friction and for
frictionless spheres. Various geometric aspects of jammed packings have
received considerable attention in the context of the jamming point for
frictionless spheres. Less attention has been paid to
geometric aspects associated with jamming that may arise at
densities lower than the isotropic frictionless jamming or random close
packing density. I will show that sheared steady state configurations
of frictionless spheres, when friction is turned on, will jam with no
structural reorganization. I will also show that rigidity
percolation precedes the shear jamming transition, but the percolation of
over-constrained regions coincides with shear jamming.