
Theoretical Physics Seminar: Generalized Wilson-Fisher critical points from conformal symmetry

by Prof. Anastasios C. Petkou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece)

Aula Teorici (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia)

Aula Teorici

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia

Via Irnerio, 46
Generalized massless free theories can be consistently defined as CFTs. Their nearby Wilson-Fisher critical points can be studied using the analytic structure of generic conformal blocks. This way we obtain the leading order nontrivial anomalous dimensions and critical couplings for wide classes of theories, including generalized multicritical points, O(N) models and modes with multiple marginal deformations. Our results reveal an intriguing underlying structure in the web of generalized CFTs which is intimately connected to higher-spin theory.